
Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Woman Solo Traveller?

Akhir-akhir ini lagi sangat-sangat tertarik tentang Solo Traveller, khususnya woman solo traveller. Since I moved to this city, my passion changed. No longer in cosplaying. I think I've found new passion : travelling, solo or not. But since I don't have any brothers or sisters and my bestfriends are busy with their family, works, etc, I have to learn to go solo :)

Sebenernya go solo itu bukan hal baru sih, dari jaman muda aku suka go solo, klo shopping, ngemall, ato sekedar puter-puter kota. Bahkan kalo lagi bete juga kadang pengennya driving alone around the city :) But travelling? Bisa dibilang semi-solo sih, waktu dinas ke SGP tahun lalu, emang berangkatnya bareng2, seminar juga bareng2, tapi selepas itu, go solo exploring the city, and I really enjoyed it! Walking around singapore day and night alone, sitting on coffee shop alone, sight-seeing and people-watching, and of course.. shopping! :D

Jadi pengen ngerencanain solo travelling :) Tapi karena masih first-time, mungkin tujuannya yg paling nyaman aja kali ya, dan aman, dan deket, dan udah pernah. Perfect place: Singapore again! I really fall in love with that city! :D

Persiapan awal: baca-baca! Baca informasi sebanyak mungkin soal solo travelling, termasuk baca blog2 juga :) One of my favourie blog about solo traveller : Solo Traveller Blog. Khususnya krena authornya woman :) So solo travelling not only for man, but woman too :)

One of the interesting articles :

Solo Travel FAQ
Why would I want to travel solo?
There are many, many reasons to travel solo:
  • To discover who you are when no one is looking.
  • To exercise and practice independence and gain confidence.
  • To free yourself of daily responsibility to a partner and/or children.
  • To prove to your parents your ability to live independently.
  • To do what you want when you want.
  • To meet more people than you do when you travel with others.
There are dozens of reasons to travel alone.
Do I need to be single?
No you don’t. Coupled people can take separate holidays and return to their partner rewed and with new stories to tell.
Do I need to be an extrovert?
Absolutely not. Introverts can simply have a quiet holiday if that is what they choose but, while traveling solo, many people learn how to act like extraverts and enjoy meeting people.
(I'm an introvert, but can be extrovert if needed :P )
Do I need a lot of money?
While taking tours or cruises can be more of a challenge because of the single supplement, it is possible to avoid it. If traveling independently, B&Bs and hostels are affordable and work very well for solo travelers.
Do I have to eat alone?
While you will likely have a number of meals alone this won’t be the case all the time. By choosing to eat at a bar or at restaurants with communal tables or in coffee shops where there is a lot going on, you often end up eating and chatting with others.
(I really don't mind eating alone, malah kadang2 bisa menikmati juga people-watching)
Do I need a black belt in something to be safe?
Safety is more about strength of character than physical strength. It is about choosing the right way to do things and avoiding the wrong ways.
(This is important, ga pengen terlantar di negeri orang karena kecopetan ~_~)
What kind of accommodation works best?
If you want to be social, avoid chain hotels and go to boutique hotels, bed & breakfasts or hostels. The latter two especially are great for their common rooms and breakfasts that are eaten with other travelers.
Do I have to be a certain age?
People from twenty to eighty years of age travel solo. How people travel at different life stages may vary but I have met people of all ages on road.

1 komentar:

  1. Hi,

    My name is KC Owens, I’m a college student and I love to travel! While cruising the Internet, I found your site and really enjoyed reading your posts. I have been to countries all over Europe with just my backpack and a camera. Since I am a college student and I have significant bills, it can be difficult to find ways to travel the world. However, I have done this several times, with less than ten pounds of luggage and while on a college dime!

    I was hoping that you would allow me to write a post for your site to share my tips and tricks with your readers. I put a lot of time into my traveling, it is my biggest passion and I would love to inspire others by sharing my stories, mistakes and triumphs. I look forward to hearing from you!


    KC Owens
